Friday, February 24, 2017

Projects Update 02/24/2017

It's the end of February and warm weather has arrived unexpectedly. I have not done much of anything useful over the past couple of months. Mostly spent time with awesome dog Olive and new (probably awesome, definitely cute) dog Freddie,


but also had a few minutes for the new braking system for my Dodge.

Since the dawn of time man has dreamed of putting a dual chamber master cylinder in a 1948-1953 pilothouse Dodge pickup truck without changing the brake pedal or putting something ugly on the firewall.  As we all know, there is not enough room between the bell housing and the steering box for much of anything other than the original single chamber master cylinder. In my last post I showed you one approach that I have seen a few times for getting around this problem - new brake pedal mounted under the dash and a master cylinder mounted on the firewall. This system works great, but it adds a lot of stuff to the engine compartment and the brake pedal looks out of place.
If only there was a way to install a modern, dual chamber master cylinder and power booster without drilling any new holes. I have definitely not spent years of my life thinking about this.
Not much room where the master cylinder was originally placed, but there are 24 inches of empty space behind it before you bump up against a cross member and gas tank. Let's use that space instead.
Behold - the bracket:

This bracket bolts to the same 3 holes (plus one underneath) that hold the old master cylinder and spring mount. Using this bracket I have plenty of room to mount a whole new master cylinder and booster with the plunger going the other way.

Genius you say! Yes, it is.
Hooking up the lines now. I've got disc conversion up front and backing plates and wheel cylinders from a '56 Coronet in the back (hate those weird 4 half cylinders the trucks used). I'll let you know how it works.

Bonus puppy and best beloved: