Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Projects update 11082016

I now have most of what I need to put together the bed for my "new" 1950 Dodge. Right now it's wearing the stake body from my other 1950 Dodge. Those long running boards are crying out for a stepside bed. I've been on the lookout for something decent for a while.
Drove out to Dighton, MA and picked up a bed from a '53 short bed (Thanks Paul!). Always nice to meet people who like these old trucks as much as I do.

 1953 was the first year for these fenders (which were used for over 30 years!) and these are in pretty good shape. I'm not going to need the fenders or these short (108" wheelbase) bedsides, but I do need the front panel, tailgate and all the rest of the crossmembers and hardware.

Combine those pieces with the longbed bed sides (91" for a 116" wheelbase truck) I got on ebay and I have everything except fenders. All I need to do is put it all together.

 Thought you might want to see how I installed the master cylinder:
 And the brake pedal:
 and the 3 Transit seats:
 No progress on my flathead 6. Spent a few hours cleaning up a bit in the shop. I can almost walk around in there now. Might even make some space to put the pickup bed together. Plenty to do indoors now.
Olive says there's still enough daylight for a walk. Happy election day!